Newly created Digital Ocean instances only have a root account. It’s good practice to create a regular user account which has sudoer privileges and to login with this account in place of the root account. This page gives instructions for setting up a cloud instance this way.


Digital Ocean offers the option of accessing a remote host by password or by SSH. These instructions were written assuming the instances is accessed by SSH.

Create Instance and Add to Inventory

Create a new digital ocean instance in the web interface and record its IP address in the inventory file, hosts.txt as below:

ansible_ssh_private_key_file=<PATH to SSH .pub>

[all] # change this to your Digital Ocean instance's IP address

Verify Connectivity

Check that ansible can connect to the instance by running the ansible command. Note that this command is different than the command to run a playbook (ansible-playbook)

$ ansible -i hosts.txt -m ping all

A successful response returns a pong to the ping: | SUCCESS => {
    "ansible_facts": {
        "discovered_interpreter_python": "/usr/bin/python3"
    "changed": false,
    "ping": "pong"

Create New Account with Ansible

Run ansible new account playbook to create the user account.

$ ansible-playbook new_account.yml -i hosts.txt 

An example new_account.yml playbook is below which is based on one from

Note that you will need to change the path to your SSH key (see line with

- hosts: all
    - "user"

  - name: "Create user accounts"
      name: ""
      groups: users, admin
    with_items: ""

  - name: "Add authorized keys"
      user: ""
      key: ""
    with_items: ""

  - name: "Allow admin users to sudo without a password"
      dest: "/etc/sudoers" # path: in version 2.3
      state: "present"
      regexp: "^%admin"
      line: "%admin ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL"